Welcome back to Read Not Guess. Today we’re going to work on the letter “y” sound like in the words "happy" or "mommy."
Both parent and child will need to be able to see the screen.
Let’s get started.
Word Practice
Explain to your child that the letter “y” can make more than one sound. Today we're going to be working on the long “eee” sound when it comes at the end of a word like "silly" or the name "Bobby."
Ask your child to say the correct sounds as they point to the letters.
Let’s start with this one. A good joke is ____:
f unn y
funn y
Now try this one:
m ess y
mess y
b oss y
boss y
p enn y
penn y
tr ick y
tr ick y
Now end with a harder one:
f am il y
fam il y
Silly Story
See if your child can read this:
Mommy, daddy, can you be happy? It was fun, and it’s only mud.
But Sally, we do not think that it is funny.
Were they able to get through it? The word “only” is kind of tricky, but was your child able to sound it out based on the sounds they know?
That’s it for today. We’ll see you next time.