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The "oa" Sound

Welcome back to Read Not Guess. Today we’re going to work on the “oa” sound like in the words “coat” or “soap.”

Both parent and child will need to be able to see the screen.

Let’s get started.

Today’s Letter Sounds

Explain to your child that the "oa” letter combination usually makes the long “O” sound (like the letter name).

Have them point to the letters as they read the word “coat:”

c oa t

c oa t


Did they get it right? If they're still reading it as "cuh-o-tuh" by the end of the sequence, ask them to do it faster until they are reading the word "coat" without adding any extra sounds.

Let’s try some more:

g oa t

g oa t



m oa n

m oa n



l oa f

l oa f



r oa d

r oa d



t oa st

t oa st


And now finish with a hard one:

r ail r oa d

rail road


Silly Sentences

See if your child can read these:

Did the coach see me?

This toad does not float.

I want roast chicken for lunch.

If they read them smoothly, great! If they stumble, have them keep practicing.

That’s it for today. We’ll see you next time.

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